Boston Cosmetic
Boston Cosmetic

















Boston Cosmetic

Dermapen Faq

DermapenHow does Dermapen® work?
Using multiple needles to vertically penetrate the surface layers of skin, treatment with Dermapen® allows the body to begin the wound-healing process which breaks up older collagen chains to stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin within the skin. Once the Dermapen® treatment is complete, a dermatologist can apply active ingredients to manage any ongoing skin condition such as acne.

How does Dermapen® treat wrinkles, stretch marks and scars?
Skin needling is based on the skin’s ability to heal itself after an injury. Right after the skin encounters any physical damage, it immediately eliminates the damaged tissue to replace it with new, healthy skin. Dermapen® induces small, controlled areas of damage to trigger the production of new collagen without the risks of scarring resulting in smoother and firmer skin.

What areas can be treated with Dermapen®?
DermaPen® allows the physician to quickly treat specific skin areas – large or small – to achieve a number of goals:

  • Lip wrinkles
  • Skin Texture / Tone
  • Pore appearance
  • Increase product absorption
  • Superficial facial wrinkles
  • Skin texure on the neck
  • Acne Scarring / Trauma Scarring
  • Melasma and Pigmentation
  • Textural improvements to chest
  • Stretch marks

Treatment on the face is the primary location, but skin needling can successfully be used on any area of the body.

How long until I see results from Dermapen® and what can I expect after my treatment?
Each patient’s healing time varies, though most start to see results in one day to a week after treatment. Immediately after treatment, patients may notice a red appearance in the treatment area and in rare cases minor pin-point bleeding depending on the depth of the needle penetration (Dermapen®’s disposable treatment applicator is adjustable). Even a light treatment can enhance the appearance of skin texture and brighten your complexion.

How is Dermapen® Micro Needling different from other techniques?
The most common technique uses a roller with needles spread across the cylindrical treatment applicator. This type of device is rolled across the treatment area. The nature of the rolling movement creates unnecessary epidermal damage as the needles pull the tissue as they leave the skin. Dermapen®’s unique applicator is completely vertical, minimizing unnecessary injury to the treatment area. The carefully controlled, disposable needle applicator only moves in an up-and-down motion, meaning less recovery time and a more comfortable experience for patients.

The size and design of Dermapen® also allows it to be used in tight or round areas where a dermal roller could not fit like the crease of the nose, along the upper lip and across the chin. Dermapen® works well on any skin tone and type meaning it can be a safe alternative to lasers for those with darker skin tones.

How deep does the Dermapen® go?
From very superficial penetration to deep dermal penetration, the professional applications have a wide range of potential to improve and correct skin problems without the use of lasers. Penetration ranges begin at cosmetic depth of 0.25mm to clinical treatment depths up to 2.5mm.

Treatment serums can be selected for skin lightening, hydration, texture and pore tightening.

  • Mid penetration depths can have a very positive impact on superficial sun damage and light scarring to improve skin texture and tone and a visible improvement in pore size appearance.
  • Deeper levels of penetration can improve acne scars, burn scars, stretch marks and tighten skin and soften wrinkles.
  • DermaPen reduces the risk of post treatment pigmentation that is more prevalent with laser heat for ethnic skin (Patients will still need to use sun protection and avoid heat exposure while in the recovery phase.
  • Depending on the treatment goal, you can expect to see results immediately for product introduction benefit to 4 to 6 months for scarring.

What does a Dermapen® treatment feel like?
Depending on the depth of treatment decided by your dermatologist, numbing creams can be used to increase patient comfort. Dermapen®’s applicator can be adjusted to a length of .5mm to 2.5mm based on your skin condition. Those undergoing treatments with a shorter needle will only feel a tickling sensation, while those undergoing treatment with the full 2.5mm are offered numbing creams as an option for treatment.

How many Dermapen® treatments will I need?
Each person’s skin conditions are different and require different levels of treatment. Those with mild wrinkles and fine lines may see improvement after just one treatment while more advanced skin conditions like acne scarring may need more than one session. The number of treatment sessions required will be determined during a consultation with our staff at the Boston Skin Essentials and Cosmetic Surgery Center.

What about Downtime after treatment with Dermapen® ?
What Can Be Expected: (Typical moderate treatment)
Day 1: Erythema and red appearance and severity will depend upon how aggressive the treatment was performed.
Day 2: A red hue or pink hue persists like a moderate sunburn. Swelling may be more noticeable on the second day.
Day 3: Skin can be pink or normal color. Swelling subsides. Dr. Ishoo will prescribe post procedure care.

Dr. Edwin Ishoo at the Boston Cosmetic Specialists is now offering Dermapen®, a unique and innovative new technique to enhance the appearance of your skin without the need for invasive surgery. DermapenÒ is an inexpensive and clinically effective option for improving areas of the skin affected by signs of age, scarring, and other aesthetic issues. Dr. Ishoo and his staff at the Boston Cosmetic Specialists have extensive experience and expertise in treating a wide range of cosmetic skin conditions on almost any budget and are eager to guide you through your anti-aging treatment options.

